Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fire Alarm

After a very weird Friday, in which one of my good friends ended up going to the hospital after taking a pretty bad fall down a full flight of stairs, my Saturday was comparably very relaxed. I ended up doing homework for most of the day and then hanging out with friends later on, but we didn't end up going out. I went to sleep around 1:30 am, hoping to catch up on sleep.

But at 2:00, all hell broke loose! The fire alarm inside the hall started blaring and people outside my room were scrambling out of their rooms. I frantically dressed myself, put on some shoes and joined an equally drowsy stream of people down the stairs and out into the chill of the Scotland night. I should also point out that, in the hurry, I couldn't find the key for my door and so left my room unlocked. I checked, and rechecked, my pants pockets, where I was sure I left my keys, but to no avail. As I walking out, I realized that my pants were on backwards and that the pockets I had been checking were actually my two butt-pockets and not my normal ones. I got a few laughs from a couple people, but most were probably too tired to care.

That's pretty much the end of that story. Today I think I'll do some more homework and then head off to play some squash--hopefully against that Canadian.

Signing out from the home of bitterly cold nights,


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