Monday, September 27, 2010

Classes and Clubs

I haven't written in a while because life has been a whirlwind thus far. Classes started today and registering for them was a bit of a nightmare. Luckily, I seem to have everything sorted now, so I can begin getting into the flow of student life. My likely schedule is going to be Capital Investment Analysis, Literary Theory, and Problems in Financial Economics. It looks heavy, but I'm hoping it will be a lot of fun. The Capital Investment Analysis course looks especially interesting since it will cover a lot of the topics that a Corporate Finance class at business school would cover.

Funwise, I've become involved in quite a few clubs. A couple days ago, the school had a Fresher's Faire where all of the student clubs held booths and told students who they were and what they were about. I joined the Poker Society, Flyfishing club, some internship club and Harry Potter and Gin society. I went with a friend from my hall, Nathaniel, who signed up for the Jewish Society, even though he is not one bit Jewish, because, he says, "Jewish women are some of the prettiest in the world, and Jewish men are some of the ugliest, so it will be like shooting fish in a barrel". Makes sense to me.

Tonight, the poker society is hosting a freeroll tournament with a cash pot of 200 pounds going to the winner. A freeroll means its free to enter, so Jan, Nathaniel  and I are going to enter and see what happens. Hopefully I'll be 200 pounds richer by the end, but probably not.

I also went on a walk with the guys around the Old Course. It really is an amazing course, very unlike the Leavenworth Course. Being a links style course, it doesn't have any trees, but the many mini-hills all around make the course both pretty and pretty ruthless for novice golfers. Pictures below:

Nathaniel, Jan and I with the famous clubhouse behind us.

What a bunker!

Other things that I've noticed in St. Andrews: the people are all fashion-obsessed! Now I don't make any claims about being the best-dressed person or anything, but I feel like I dress reasonably respectably. Here, I literally look like a vagrant. The guys are all dressed in expensive looking trench coats with nice boots and expensive looking skinny jeans. The girls spend even more time on their appearance. This one girl in Melville even consults a personal stylist before she makes any purchases. Supposedly her stylist has even banned her from wearing certain colors. Its crazy. I wonder how long she spends in front of the mirror before she goes out...

Anyway, I will post more as I get into the swing of things here. 

Signing out from the home of golf,


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