Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mixing it up

Today I woke up around 9:30 for my 10 o'clock class and plodded my way to the English Department block of buildings, which is literally as far away from my dorm as is possible. It takes me a good twenty minutes to walk the distance, but luckily I remembered to bring my iPod this time and the music made the walk bearable. The class was on Modernist Poetry and it looks like it will be great course. The professor seems really into it, and just a little bit crazy, so the course will probably be a blast.

Immediately after my poetry course, I went to my Financial Economics course. It was good, but pretty basic. After taking MacroEconomics at Whitman, I feel a bit ahead of everyone else and pretty bored. However, I'm sure it will ramp up soon.

I am actually considering changing up some of my courses. As it stands, I am taking too many credits and so I am thinking that I am actually going to drop my Modernist Poetry course for a course in Creative Writing, so long as Whitman will give me the same amount of credits for the course. With my two quantitative courses in Economics, it will be good to stimulate my creative side as well.

Signing out from St. Andrews,


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