Monday, September 20, 2010

The town of Crail

After spending all of the day on my feet, as soon as I made it to my hotel I crashed. I slept from about 2pm to 7pm Scotland time and woke up to some silly British television talk show with Tom Jones as the guest. It was actually pretty funny. My stomach began rumbling about this point and I decided to go out and get some food. Luckily, the town of Crail is tiny and so I literally walked about two minutes before I was able to find a fish and chips restaurant which looked good. I hadn't gone to a fish and chips joint since South Africa. I ordered the fish and chips platter and applied liberal amounts of vinegar and salt--like you're supposed to. I chatted with a couple visiting from England and they asked where I was from and I told them America and the older lady was literally like "Duh! Where in America". I almost laughed out loud, but somehow contained myself and told her that I was from Washington state and that I would be attending the University of St. Andrews this semester. "Great college!" she told me. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

Finishing my fish and chips I went back to my room and watched some more "telly" (I think that's what the British call tv's). There was this show on there called "The InBetweeners" that is basically "DeGrassi" except not nearly as lame and follows this cast of really nerdy dudes who are desperately trying to be cool. I'm not going to lie, I kind of identify with a lot of the cast. Look it up. It's classic.

The next day, I had some time to kill because I could only register for my room at St. Andrews at 2pm. I took the time to walk around the town of Crail, which I found out is actually a small fishing village with spectacular views of the ocean and the Scottish Isles. I won't go to the trouble of describing in words what the view was look because I have a couple pictures that tell the whole story.

I walked along the waterfront for about a mile and then turned off a side street that wound its way through farm land before ending up back on the main road. As I making my way back to the city center, I passed by a small park on my right which intrigued me and so I decided to see what it was all about, having nothing better to do. There was a dirt path that encircled a tiny stream, with bridges criss-crossing the stream every couple hundred meters. I walked to the far end of the park, far away from the main road and found a break in the hedge that had been the western boundary of the park. I walked through the hedge and found myself in the ancient graveyard of Crail church. Some of the markers were dated back as far as 1750. Some were so old that I couldn't make out when they were dated. 


  1. Hello Staten
    Nice blog entries. I am intrigued, how did you land a gig at St Andrews for a semester? It really is a beautiful little place. If you get the chance I would recommend going on a road trip up the west coast of Scotland.
    Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures.

  2. Hey Athol,
    I am studying at St. Andrews through the Study Abroad program at my home college, Whitman. I am definitely thinking of going on an extensive tour of Scotland and the outlying isles. Thanks for the interest.

